contact information and F.A.Q

You MUST be 18+ to Commission me!


◊ I can draw most Humanoids & Furries
◊ Creatures and Animals
◊ Warforged (D&D)
◊ LGBTQ+ & Different body types(no body fetish art though)
◊ Tasteful NSFW or LIGHT Gore


◊Fan Art, Self Inserts(Unless it's for the Selfie Commission Option)
◊Futuristic Themes/ Modern Robotics and Mecha
◊ Detailed Backgrounds
◊ Self Harm or Hate Art
◊Non-Humanoid Anatomy for NSFW

Commission Process

  • Once your commission is coming up, I will contact you. PLEASE HAVE YOUR REFERENCES AND CHARACTER INFORMATION READY, I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH. Must respond within 36 hours or I will need to move onto the next client and you will be moved to the bottom of the queue.

  • I will draw a very rough sketch of the commission, I am mainly just trying to get the general pose established. Details are not refined here.

  • Once that is approved I will send a Paypal Invoice for payment.

  • I will send another WIP of a more refined sketch where final adjustments can be made before moving onto the inking process.

  • Another WIP will be provided once the inks are done.

  • A fourth WIP will be shared with all the flats down. No more character edits can be made with the exception of the colors at this point. For characters with existing art or character sheets, I will eyedrop those for the base colors UNLESS the color is extremely saturated, I will make that slight adjustment.

  • I will show you the final work. If you have purchased a larger piece from me, then you will need to send your second payment before I email the final images.

  • Provide an email address you would like the finished art to; I will send a small watermarked JPEG file for WEB USE and a large PNG file that will be unwatermarked for your own personal use. Please do not post the PNG version publicly online. The PNG file guarantees that you will always have the higher quality art if someone were to ever try to take it online.

D&D Groups: Please Read

If you are getting a D&D group or party commissions for all players. I am fine primarily working with one person to speak for the group in regards to the commission.
However, due to the amount of times this has come up, when it comes to the accuracy of the character design, I need each player to send over their character information themselves. One person cannot be responsible for knowing exactly what everyone's character looks like. If any changes need to be made for the people I am not in direct contact with, they will need to forward that information over. I'll be flexible if someone doesn't have a FB or a direct method of contact. But in general, the goal is to make the process as seemless as possible.

D&D Form-

As a passionate D&D player for a number of years, I've decided to offer D&D specific commissions. To make things easier for those who don't have reference sheets or enough artwork, I've put together what should be filled out so I have enough information on the character(s) for those who prefer to fill a document.These types of commissions tend to take longer than regular pieces since I am primarily working from description, these take about a month so I only take small batches at a time. DMs commissioning full parties will take 1-2 months(estimating that each character takes about a week)Gather your references and organize them into a PDF file and send it to drop box with the following form-Copy and paste this into your message and fill these out for each individual character:D&D Commission:Name:Race:Gender:Class:Expression:Pose wanted:Face reference:(FILL HERE: link or describe what the character's face looks like/hair/eyes/etcPiercings/tattoos/scars/other:Physique:(Describe general body type/tail/wings/noticeable physical flaws)Outfit:(Please take a little bit of time filling this one out as best you can in at least a paragraph. Specify colors and relevant info. I recommend attaching a few images for inspiration and general concept. Please try to keep it under 5 images. I will take artistic liberty if something is not specific here.)